082618: melinda and the horrible, no good, very bad month of July

Hey everyone, it is I! The magnificent disappearing M! But alas, here I am. Alive and well.

It’s been almost two months since I’ve last written and there’s very good reason for that. Right after my last post, the month of July decided to go HAM on us. Hold on to your butts, because here’s a recap of one of the craziest, worst months of my life (that’s considering a complete mental/emotional breakdown too):

  • The day before we had to move my Mom’s stuff to Nashville, we had MAJOR storms in our area. This resulted in our basement flooding. So, while we had to pack and load a truck, we ALSO had to take care of flooding. Thankfully, our amazing support framily (friend family, for those of you who aren’t familiar with the term) came to our rescue and we got it done.
  • Moved my Mom’s stuff down to Nashville which resulted in a large, semi-expected expense
  • On the way BACK from Nashville, our flight got cancelled and we had to drive home
  • On the drive home, about 90 minutes from our final destination, we got pulled over by a Sheriff. Who, after seeing our disparity and hearing our insane tale of woe, let us go with a warning.
  • ALSO on the drive home, I discovered that I was locked out of my account by my boss and pushed up my last day. It was a blessing in disguise – it gave me a few days of easy days before going full time at the clinic.
  • Husband and I moved upstairs in the house to be on the same level as the kids. The bedroom was… not clean, which resulted in the both of us getting extremely physically ill. So, I cleaned it and it got better.
  • A few days after that, one of the toilets stopped working.
  • A few days after that, we began to lose power throughout the house.
  • Within two days, we lost power in about 2/3 of the house and had to do an emergency move out of the house and in to our new house.
  • Yet again, our fabulous framily came to our rescue and helped us move on super short notice.
  • In two days, we moved houses and got majority of the house set up for the kids. Moving with Autism is NOT the easiest thing to do, but we made it happen.
  • I believe a week? week and a half? after that, we didn’t have water at the new house. The septic tank was full and needed to be emptied, so I stayed with my incredible in-laws for an evening as to have access to a functioning toilet.
  • We got THAT fixed, then discovered we needed a new ejector pump otherwise we were in danger of having the basement flooded with poo water. Many dollars later, we have clean pipes and a new pump.
  • After the move, I realized I lost an envelope that had cash money in it to pay the babysitter for her services. Nothing like losing an envelope of money to make your day.
  • At some point, the AC went out on my car.

I think that was all that happened in July, although I’m probably missing something…. or three. Then August came. And what a fucking turnaround it’s been! Here’s August in a nutshell:

  • My birthday happened!
  • We went on a birthday float trip
  • I found the lost envelope on my birthday!!! I was able to pay the babysitter! Hooray!
  • Being full time at the clinic has been pretty super. I’ve been able to serve everyone well with my knowledge and experience. I look forward to continue serving in various capacities to improve services & therapy for our kiddos. Everyone has been pretttttty great and I really enjoy who I work for/with. It’s a nice change of pace ; 3
  • I officially became a homeowner!! I bought the house! This flaxen homestead is officially mine.
  • We paid off our credit cards so they’re at a zero balance!
  • The doorknob came off in my hand when I shut the door one day, but handsome handy husband fixed it AND replaced the leaky faucet.
  • Handsome husband starts grad school this upcoming week and I’m super proud of him for taking this step. He’s got brains AND good looks. I’m such a fortunate lady.

I think that about brings us up to speed. I’m sure there are some things that I’ve missed. We did a homemade slip ‘n slide one weekend and that was a blast. Annnddd….. I don’t know some other things I don’t remember. ; D Oh, like Girl Child eloping from her Dad’s house and ending up at a park a half mile from his house and only finding out via panickied phone call from Boy Child.

Every day’s an adventure.

Anywho, I wanted to give an update. Things have just been kind of nuts, as you can see. We’re on a little bit of upswing now. We’re trying to plan a weekend getaway to just exist and have some fun. Our plan is to get some things set around the house so we can have a Hallween/Wedding Anniversary/Housewarming party. I think it’ll be doable. Allrighty, back to the fam. I hope you’re all doing well!

Thanks for stopping by.

I am glad you exist.